About Brenda Fox

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So far Brenda Fox has created 46 blog entries.

Organizational Resilience – How Do You Know If Your Organization Is Resilient or Not?

There are two principle ways to approach resilience measurement; either to try to collect information about as many functions as possible in an organization or to use an indicator that will reflect how an organization is going to manage an unexpected event. Read more

2020-05-13T15:08:38+00:00Research, Resilience|

X-Center Hamburg Germany Joins GXN

4Sing GmbH has established the X-Center Germany as part of the Global X Center Network. The Hamburg-based consulting and idea-generating company invites others to participate in joint development of scenarios and identification of alternative futures. It offers a place to exchange on methods and tools for dealing with "unpredictable futures". Read more..  

2020-05-12T23:30:13+00:00Trending News|

Urban Resilience book published

A number of Global X-Network members collaborated with Yoshiki Yamagata from X-Center Tokyo (FoXc-J) to write, edit and publish a Springer Book title "Urban Resilience" The book is on urban resilience – how to design and operate cities that can withstand major threats such as natural disasters and economic downturns and how to recover from [...]

2021-02-10T21:04:35+00:00Books, Xpress|

Global X-Network Annual Conference April 12-13, 2016

FOCUS: Urban Resilience - Smart Cities - Xevents “MANAGING IN TIMES OF GLOBAL UNCERTAINTY”   This year’s conference was held on the campus of our partner X-Center USA – Stevens Institute of Technology – Center for Complex Systems and Enterprises (CCSE) Location: 525 River Street, Babbio Center, 5th Floor Hoboken, NJ [...]

Dr. William Rouse CCSE Update Presentation and Annie Yu Presentation on Healthcare Mergers and Acquisitions Video Presentation at the Global X-Network Annual Conference April 12th 2016

Global X-Network Annual Conference in Hoboken New Jersey April 12th 2016

Approaching an X-Event in the Forrest Industry

Approaching an X-Event in the Forrest Industry by Wilenius Markku Presented at the Global X-Network Annual Conference in Vienna April 2014 Download Presentation

2020-05-12T22:03:31+00:00Extreme Events, Research|

Social Mood Indicator

Social Mood Indicator Social Mood Indicator is an additional measure on the dashboard of the decision makers. SMI shows at a glance what is the situation in nation/organization/customers. Social mood is an endogenous feature of a social system and it is hard, or even impossible to change. But it is essential to understand the situation [...]

2016-07-18T03:42:50+00:00Social Mood, Tools|


Theoretical research at The X-Center will encompass studies of how complexity science can be used to understand the foregoing diagram. This will entail developing a deeper understanding of the different notions of complexity applicable to specific social situations, how the mood of the population biases the events that actually occur from among the spectrum of [...]

2017-11-09T15:03:34+00:00Complexity, Research|
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