yoshiki-yamagata-resizedYoshiki Yamagata, Ph.D.

Researcher Center for Global Environmental Research
National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan

Yoshiki Yamagata, Ph. D. Special Senior Researcher Center for Global Environmental Research National Institute for Environmental Studies Onogawa

Yoshiki YAMAGATA graduated from The University of Tokyo (PhD in System Science). In 1991, he joined the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES). As a principal researcher of the Center for Global Environmental Research (CGER), he is studying climate risk management modeling. He is also a Research Scholar at IIASA and a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM). His research topics include: land-use scenario, risk management, policy diffusion. He has been teaching at The University of Tokyo, University of Tsukuba and Hokkaido University, and contributing to international activities such as IPCC and Global Carbon Project, as well as to journals of Applied Energy etc.