Global X-Network Annual Conference in Vienna October 26-28, 2019
Global X-Network Annual Conference in Vienna Xevents and Urban Futures October 26-28, 2019 Conference Agenda If you have any questions, contact us.
Urban Future Global Conference February 28 – March 2, 2018
X-Event Dynamics will have a booth at the Urban Future Global Conference in Vienna, Austria from February 28-March 2. 2018. Be sure to stop by and see us! Learn more and register for the conference [...]
Global X-Network Annual Conference April 20-22, 2017 sponsored by The HafenCity University in Hamburg Germany (Updated Program)
WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF SURPRISES! While many countries have faced turmoil since 1945, Western developed countries have largely operated within the framework of political and economic institutions that were established after World War II. [...]
*|MC:SUBJECT|* Conference Theme: The world in which we all live, work and do business is about to change! But how & with what impact on cities, our social economy and (geo-)politics? Background While turmoil has [...]
Complexity Institute, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore Annual Winter School Event
Winter School is an annual event organized by the Complexity Institute, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The 5-day program imparts essential knowledge about complexity and complex systems science, enabling participant to answer these questions: • [...]
School of International Futures Strategic Foresight Retreat Wilton Park UK August 11th to August 15th
At SOIF retreats, you will learn about strategic foresight approaches and techniques from world-renowned experts who provide you with practical tools that are ready to use as soon as you leave. Mixing with representatives of foreign [...]