Confronting Unknown Unknowns

As the last couple of years has dramatically shown, CHANGE IS UNAVOIDABLE. How do we trade off today’s short-term benefit against the cost of preparation for an uncertain future? This has been the all-time challenge for policymakers, CEOs, foresight planners and each of us individually. Change and uncertainty are increasing at a rapid pace – pandemics, new types of war, political unrest, supply chain breakages, climate change, inflation, crime, and the disruption/displacement of people worldwide. And this is all happening simultaneously!

Our work will address why shocks to human social systems and infrastructure are an unavoidable part of life, and how we can organize our societies and our lives today to benefit from such shocks. We will investigate the entire story starting from the way events happen to early-warning signals to what kinds of actions can be taken today to mitigate and benefit from the effects of unknowable shocks to our way of life.  We will also explore why these shocks and disruptions can be great opportunities for growth and new possibilities. [READ MORE]

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